Category: Air Compressor

Maintenance Tips for Industrial Equipment and Machines

As more and more manufacturers feel pressured to get products delivered to the market on schedule, industrial compressed air equipment maintenance is more important than ever for any company. Compressed air system maintenance provides the essential services to keep the business running smoothly and avoid expensive downtime. To help today’s manufacturers be more proactive with […]

Things to Check Before You Replace Your Air Compressor

Air compressors power many types of machines and processes in industrial operations, and many other industries. This is why any downtime related to equipment failure can adversely affect productivity, reliability, and the company’s bottom line. While you can do many precautions to prevent this, it’s also inevitable. No matter how good maintenance is, any piece […]

What Are the Components of a Compressed Air System?

When you first think of a compressed air system, you likely think of an air compressor first. However, there are many different components within a compressed air system that can make your applications more efficient and reliable. It’s not only important to select the right air compressor but to select the right parts and accessories […]

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Air Compressor

Service technician working on industrial air compressor

Your compressed air system may very well be one of the most expensive pieces of equipment operating daily in your facility. As such, it’s important to perform regular maintenance and cleaning of your air compressor. If you neglect your equipment, you may very well end up paying for expensive repairs down the road. It can […]

Why You Need an Air Energy Audit on Your Compressed Air System

Compressed air systems consume a surprising amount of energy. In fact, compressed air systems consume 10 to 15 percent of a company’s total energy bill on average. According to Quincy Compressor, “One horsepower of compressed air requires eight horsepower of electricity. With many air compressors running at efficiencies as low as 10%, there’s often plenty […]

How to Properly Care for Your Air Compressor

Repairmen working on compressed air system

Properly maintaining your industrial air compressor will provide you with many benefits. Not only will proper maintenance improve the longevity of your compressed air system overall, but proper care can help you identify system problems far before they cause major damage to other system parts. Furthermore, proper maintenance can prevent costly downtime. The key benefits […]

When Do Air Compressors Need Filters?

Seventy percent of all manufacturers use some type of compressed air system. Air compressors produce tighter, and more pressurized air to generate a steady stream of airflow. This airflow is then used to power a variety of tools, assembly lines, and pneumatic equipment. Compressed air is crucial to many industrial and manufacturing processes. If contaminated, […]

How to Remove Contaminants in Compressed Air

Today, virtually all industrial chemical processes use or interact with compressed air systems. Air compression is required in most processes, whether to add texture to products, dry sterilized equipment, divert items and ingredients along the assembly line, or perform a whole range of other tasks. Throughout all these processes that use compressed air systems, contamination […]

The Different Types of Industrial Air Compressors

Compressed air is an essential energy source for the industrial sector. It is often used to power pneumatic tools and automate key equipment. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, approximately 10% of the electricity consumed by an industrial facility is used to generate compressed air. For some plants, compressed air generation may account for […]

Notable Industrial Uses for Compressed Air Systems

Compressed Air System in Industrial Setting

The global industrial air compressor market is a fast-growing sector with a projected compound annual growth rate of 5.7 percent from 2020 to 2027. By then, spending on industrial air compressors is expected to reach around $17.8 billion. This is because there is a growing demand for more efficient and advanced compressed air technologies. These […]