Category: Air Compressor

What Are Medical Air Compressors Used For?

medical air compressors

Medical air compressors power many applications within medical facilities. Most of these applications require that the compressed air provided is free of contamination. To supply clean, pure air, oil-free and oil-less compressors designed for medical use are commonly implemented. Oil-flooded compressors risk contaminating compressed air with mineral oil which is harmful to patients. Below, you […]

The Advantages of Reciprocating Air Compressors

reciprocating air compressors are often used in oil refineries

There are several advantages to choosing reciprocating air compressors over other types of air compressors. Often, the most well-known advantage is the high range of pressures able to be reached. In this blog post, we will discuss a few of the advantages of reciprocating air compressors, as well as, what exactly a reciprocating compressor is. […]

What is the Future of the Oil-free Air Compressor Market?

oil-free air compressor application and usage

This may or may not surprise you. The oil-free air compressor market is growing faster than the oil-flooded market. There is a simple reason behind this: industries need a steady supply of clean, pure air. That is most easily achieved using an oil-free compressor system. The question is why are oil-free compressor systems better at supplying clean, […]

What Should You Look For In An Air Compressor Supplier?

air compressor supplier - compressor system

A compressed air supplier should do more than just sell you an air compressor. A supplier should provide you with efficient and reliable equipment while also providing you with many options to choose from. The best suppliers also know how to keep your equipment running at peak efficiency. Even more, suppliers should offer tips and […]

The Difference Between Oil-less and Oil-free Compressors

oil-less compressors

Businesses looking to upgrade or purchase a new industrial compressor generally find themselves asking this question: what is the real difference between oil-less and oil-free compressors? If you scour the web, you will actually find very little information that talks about the real differences between the compressors. The reason is that these compressors are often […]

Lubricated or Oil-Free Compressors?

A compressed air system with Zeks and Quincy parts are assorted in a room.

When it comes to selecting the best industrial compressor, businesses need to take into consideration their industry’s level of air purity and decide between Oil-Lubricated or Oil-Free.

Protect Your Investment: Maintain Your Compressed Air System in the Winter

Just like most technology, winter temperatures can cause your compressed air equipment to breakdown or function improperly. However, there are ways to prevent your compressed air system from suffering in the cold temperatures. Why Your Compressor Dislikes The Cold To understand how you can prevent compressor shutdowns and problems during the winter, you need to […]

What is the Output of a Medical Nebulizer Compressor?

medical nebulizer

Compressed air is essential in the medical field. From providing the air that helps operate tools used in dentistry and surgical practices to helping patients breathe, its use cases are incredibly high-touch and should be assessed with the utmost acuity.  Having a well-serviced, medical-grade vacuum package is critical in ensuring patients are kept safe during […]

The Most Popular Oil-Free Air Compressor Myth Debunked

oil-free medical compressor applications

For oil-free compressed air, you need an oil-free compressor. Oil-free compressors work in much the same way that oil-injected ones do. However, as the name suggests, there is no oil injected during compression. Often, oil-free compressors are the best option in most applications. Before you decide on a compressor, you should understand the three main types […]

What Is An Oil-Free Air Compressor?

oil-free compressor

Mineral oil – the type used to lubricate and cool engines and compressors –will create a health risk if it gets into food or beverage products or pharmaceuticals. If it gets into paints or powders it can adversely affect product quality and reduce yields. The obvious thing to do is to keep oil out, but […]