Category: Robotics

What Are the Signs Your Collaborative Robot Needs Repair?

Your collaborative robot, also known as a cobot, has been working hard to increase efficiency and reliability within production. This new technology has quickly paid for itself and has become indispensable for human coworkers working alongside the robot. Or perhaps you have used robotic technology for quite some time, and it has become a staple […]

A Guide to Electrical Control Panels

If a product came from an automated assembly line, then an electrical control panel was involved in controlling it. This means anyone reading this has encountered a product made with the help of a control panel. An electrical control panel is a system of several electrical devices that control and monitor the mechanical functions of […]

Conquering Labor Shortages and Operational Challenges with JHFOSTER

The current work environment is unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. From staffing challenges to supply chain issues, there are countless obstacles in the way of business leaders around the world. Manufacturers and distributors can come together in the wake of a rapidly changing economy to make procedural changes that support the longevity of forward-thinking […]

Ways Robotic Technology Enhances Worker Safety

Robotic technology is becoming a mainstay of many industrial environments. From packaging applications to lab analysis and testing, robots are being used for a variety of tasks previously performed by humans. As robotic technology rolls out, many companies are wondering about how safe robots are for their human coworkers. Are robots truly safe to be […]

UL 508 Compliant Control Panels

Technician working on electrical control panel

JHFOSTER maintains an industry-leading, in-house UL 508A certified control panel shop to help our clients meet all their electrical control panel needs. A top-functioning control panel can make the difference between inefficient and efficient mechanical processes. Control panels are most often used to simplify production, ensure quality materials, and facilitate accurate machining. They also improve […]

Integrating Cobots into Manufacturing

Cobots help manufacturers deal with challenges like labor shortages and cost increases. Deploying cobots in manufacturing leverages the skills of the people in the factory so they can do more. Cobots are still a relatively new technology though, so here’s an introduction to the machines and the benefits of using them. Cobot Overview “Cobot” is […]

Simplify Industrial Applications with Collaborative Robots & EtherNet/IP Communication Protocol

Techman Robots Cobots

Simplifying industrial applications can seem like an arduous task for yourself and your team. Maybe you have introduced collaborative robots to simplify repetitive tasks within your facility, but you are finding that your applications require multiple cobots running in tandem. Running many systems and technology at once to create your end-product can soon become complicated. […]

Safety Pointers When Working with Compressed Air Systems

Compressed air systems are used for varying industries, from agriculture to pharmaceutical manufacturing, requires workers to operate systems within safety parameters. Any sudden changes in pressure or malfunction equipment may cause an accident that could damage products or applications as well as injure workers. Practicing safety best practices allows workers to take all required precautions […]

Rotary vs. Linear Electric Actuators

Electrical Panal Automation

Industrial automation and many manufacturing processes rely on motion. Motion systems move parts into and out of machines, they bring tools into contact with workpieces, and they operate key parts of processing machinery. This motion is provided by actuators. These are devices that, when supplied with power, move in a particular way. For engineers and […]

Rotary vs. Linear Pneumatic Actuators: What You Need to Know

Pneumatic Actuator automation

If you had to make a list of some of the most important advancements that can keep your business running efficiently, productively and safely, industrial automation would undoubtedly be right at the top. Not only can it help automate repetitive tasks to help employees focus on those matters that truly need their attention, but it’s […]