Category: Robotics

Building Electric Circuits

Building an electric motion circuit can be a daunting task to those unfamiliar with the technology, but it doesn’t have to be. With just five core components, you can begin building your first electric motion machine: Power Supply Drive Cables Motor Actuator Power supplies seem like a no-brainer – without electricity, your electric circuit won’t […]

The Safety Benefits of Automation

Cold Room Compressor

Workplace safety is the most important thing a manufacturing company needs to consider. When workers aren’t safe, everything else suffers, including quality, productivity and operations. And it turns out, one of the best ways to improve worker safety is to enhance your factory’s automation levels. Automation can help keep workers safer in a number of […]

How Will the Advancement of Automation and Robotics Affect Manufacturing

robot packing line

Enhance efficiency. Improve safety. Streamline productivity and profit. Those are just a few of the benefits that the adoption of industrial automation and robotics can help with — and while robotics and automation can seem like intimidating strategies to adopt in a manufacturing environment, today they’re arguably more feasible than ever and can provide a […]

Why are Electric Actuators so Precise and Repeatable?

Electric Actuator

Electric actuators continue to grow in popularity in the motion industry, but what makes them move so precise and repeatable? At the very basic level, electric actuators utilize motors that generate rotary motion and a belt or screw to convert that rotation to linear motion, all while employing a variety of motion control devices to […]

What Is Robotic Automation?

robotic automation in a car plant

Robotic automation is simply a variation of automation that uses robotic technology to simplify a task or application. Robots perform tasks that range from painting a car in a factory to packaging food product. There is a large array of robot types, as well as, robotic accessories. Let’s dive into the different types of robots […]

What Are The Differences Between Cobots & Other Robots?

collaborative robot (cobot) and gears

On a recent podcast, Dustin Hrubetz, JHFOSTER’s Manager of Robotic Distribution and Industrial Application, talked about a few differences between cobots and other robots. He also discussed some of the applications cobots (collaborative robots) are being used for in current markets. In this blog post, we are going to talk further about these topics. Keep reading […]

4 Industries that Could Benefit the Most from Robotics


According to the International Federation of Robotics, the United States is the leading user of industrial robots in the Americas, with approximately 293,200 robots currently in operation over a wide range of industries.  However, robots have not just reached American companies. The adoption of human-robot collaboration is on the rise with nearly 2.7 million robots […]

What Is The Difference Between Automation And Robotics

specialist with automation system

Automation and robotics are both used by manufacturing businesses to cut costs, increase capacity, and improve quality and safety. However, they’re not the same thing and the terms shouldn’t be used interchangeably. Here’s an explanation of the difference, and a discussion of when and how each might be applied. First though, a look at why […]

Techman Robot: Getting College Students Ready for the Workforce

TM Robot solving a packaging issue and automating the packaging industry using gripper technology.

Recently, JHFOSTER helped a Midwestern university to educate STEM students with the help of Techman Robots. Techman Robots help students learn alongside technology that they may see or use in their future careers. As robots begin to help more and more companies increase efficiency and reliability, more staff are having to become accustomed to working […]

What You Should Know About Electrical Control Panels

Employee working on an electronic control panel.

Electrical control panels more than save you money. Of course, they do that. However, did you know they keep your employees safe, too? We see common hazards when it comes to unsafe applications in today’s workplace. Just one element to our electrical control panels is safety. Panels combined with pneumatic and electrical safety products can […]