Category: Air Compressor

How Contaminants In Compressed Air Can Affect Processes

Contaminants can be introduced to your compressed air system through many mediums. Liquids like water and oil, solid particles, and vapor can cause contamination and affect production processes if precautions aren’t taken. Why is contamination such a concern? Contaminants can wreak havoc on not only your compressed air system and parts, but they can endanger […]

Basic Components of Compressed Air Systems

Compressed air is widely used in various industries due to its availability and ease of use. It is often known as the fourth utility, following electricity, natural gas, and water. But did you know that the idea of using compressed air to transmit energy began as early as the 1800s? During this period, metal manufacturing […]

Specific Applications of Medical Compressors

When talking about compressors, they are often associated with the making of products in many industries, whether it involves the processing of foods or cleaning component workpieces that are made into parts. For the medical industry, hospitals, medical testing labs, and other healthcare facilities use two different types of medical air systems. NFPA 99 medical […]

Winterizing An Air Compressor

If you live in an area that’s susceptible to cold, winter weather, then you already know that you need to take preventative measures to ensure certain systems and components don’t freeze or incur damage from dropping temperatures.  If you manage a warehouse, machine shop or auto repair business where you rely on air compressors to […]

Evolution of Blowers and Compressed Air: Slim ISO Containers

Blowers and compressors provide industrial plants of all types with the right kinds of air and gaseous needs. As technology continues to advance, the needs of these industrial plants evolve right alongside it. One of the key evolutions driven by leaders in machine technology, Aerzen, is the container solutions in which their advanced blower and […]

Should Your Healthcare Facility Use an Oil-Less Air Compressor?

group of surgeons in operating room at hospital

If you’re at all familiar with the medical industry, then you already know that medical facilities have to operate under more stringent rules and regulations as a means of keeping patients as safe as possible while under their care. And while proper cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting are perhaps some of the key measures that may […]

The Importance of Oil-Free Air Compressors in the Electronics Industry

Worker in electronics industry

There are two broad types of air compressor types: oil-based and oil-less. While each have their fair share of pros and cons and their viable end uses in a variety of different industries and factory settings, oil-free air compressors are becoming increasingly important throughout the world. These types of compressors are trending upwards largely because […]

When Do You Need an Oil-Free Compressor?

Food industry production line automated by compressed air

Compressors are so durable and reliable, replacing them in a manufacturing situation is a relatively rare event. However, while your old compressor has been working away diligently, advancements in the industry continue to be made. Even though your company may not have considered the purchase of a new compressor in decades, the options available to […]

Most Common Industrial Air Compressor Brands

Industrial Air Compressor

Industrial air compressor manufacturing is a booming industry. There are global companies offering a range of different compressors with varying capacities. Ask different suppliers about the most common air compressors, and you may be given different lists. These companies may specialize in specific industrial compressors to cater to a niche industry, or they may offer […]

What Voids the Warranty of Industrial Air Compressors

Maintenance worker tending to equipment

Industrial compressors can be warriors in the workplace. From manufacturing to medical and petroleum to food packaging, compressors, pumps and vacuums perform a myriad of tasks, frequently with a minimum of maintenance. Well-maintained industrial compressors can last ten, fifteen, twenty years or more. This makes their purchase relatively infrequent. Even companies with multiple compressors may […]