Air Dryer Maintenance is Key to Optimized Compressor Performance
Air compressors generate a lot of moisture, which, if not addressed, can become problematic. Compressed air that is too moist contributes to the accumulation of rust and contaminants within the compressed air system, ultimately resulting in low-quality compressed air, as well as maintenance issues and inefficiencies in the performance of the compressed air system. Fortunately, moisture-related problems can be prevented by installing a compressed air dryer and performing simple air dryer maintenance activities aimed at keeping an air compressor air dryer in good working order.
The Importance of Using an Air Dryer for Compressors

Air compressors operate by ingesting ambient air then compressing that air into a smaller volume. This process naturally increases the concentration of water vapor because of the lower volume and increased temperature of the compressed air.
As the saturated compressed air cools downstream, the water vapor condenses into liquid, which can lead to a host of problems, such as:
- Rusting: Excess moisture will result in corrosion and rust within the compressed air distribution system. Once rust and contamination enter the system, it can damage components and any pneumatic equipment operated by the compressed air.
- Equipment failures: Rust, corrosion and contaminants may result in premature failure of air compression system components and the tools and equipment that are powered by treated air.
- Inefficient performance of equipment: Because pneumatic tools rely on compressed air to operate, any rust, corrosion or contamination may cause blockages in the air distribution system that will reduce the performance of air-powered equipment.
- Poor quality products: Moisture and associated contamination from the air compression system can be transferred to products as they are manufactured, diminishing the quality of finished goods.
Compressed air dryers are an integral part of an air compression system because they remove moisture and humidity from the compressed air, protecting compressed air system components, air-operated equipment and finished products from ill effects.
Regular Maintenance Ensures Compressed Air Dryer Performance
To ensure that the entire air compression system is operating efficiently and effectively, the air dryer must be properly maintained. However, air dryer service requirements will vary depending on the type of air compressor dryer that is installed.
Here are three types of compressor air dryers:
The most common air dryer for compressors, refrigerated air dryers cool the compressed air using a refrigerant compressor system.
Membrane Dryers
Membrane air compressor dryers use selective permeation and a multiple-stage filtration system to separate moisture from compressed air.
Desiccant Dryers
This type of dryer features towers filled with absorbent desiccant material that attract and remove water from the air.
Below you will find general preventive maintenance activities for each type of compressed air dryer. Be sure to follow the manufacturers’ recommended procedures outlined in the O&M manual for your specific dryer.
Recommended compressed air dryer preventive maintenance activities for all dryer types:
- Keep the air compressors aftercooler clean and confirm the automatic drain on the separator and/or wet storage tank is functioning properly. This will ensure most liquids are removed prior to reaching the dryer prefilters and dryer.
- Make sure the following parameters are met for standard applications:
- Compressed air temperature coming into the dryer is less than 100 degrees F.
- Ambient temperature is less than 100 degrees F.
- Minimum compressed air pressure is 100psi.
- Check the dryer control panel regularly to ensure proper operation and identify any faults or alarms that may be present.
- Check line filters before and after the dryer: Regularly check these filters for proper drain function and pressure drop. Blockages caused by dirt, dust, debris or other contaminants will have a negative impact on system efficiency and the effectiveness of the air dryer. Replace filter elements and adjust, clean or replace malfunctioning drains as required.
Recommended refrigerated air dryer preventive maintenance activities: |
Keep the heat exchanger clean. Monitor refrigerant pressures: Make sure the refrigerant suction and discharge pressures are within specifications. If not, the dryer should be serviced. Check drain operation: Ensure the drain is working properly so that collected condensate will be removed from the system. Address any malfunctioning valves or drains. If there is a stainer to trap contaminants, it should be cleaned as needed. Check exchanger temperature: This can be done easily if the air dryer has an indicator. If the indicator shows a yellow or red designation, there is likely a problem that requires air dryer service by a professional technician as it can indicate a problem with the refrigeration circuit. |
Recommended membrane air dryer preventive maintenance activities: |
Check prefilters: Check prefilters for blockages caused by contaminants as clogged filters will have a negative impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of a membrane air dryer. Check drain operation: Ensure that drains are working properly so that moisture can be effectively removed from the system. Address any malfunctioning drains. Check for oil contamination: If the membrane dryer becomes contaminated with oil, the membrane cartridge will need to be replaced. |
Recommended desiccant air dryer preventive maintenance activities: |
Monitor the dew point: Keep an eye on the moisture indicator and/or digital dew point monitor to assure the dryer is operating within specifications. Sample the desiccant: There are typically ports on the tower that are used for replacing desiccant but can also be used to sample the desiccant. Ensure that the desiccant beads are of the correct size and color. Discoloration indicates oil contamination, which will wear down the desiccant, and smaller size indicates that the desiccant is worn down. In either case, the desiccant should be replaced. Check the dust filter: Desiccant air dryers use a filter to capture desiccant dust. The filter should be checked for pressure drop. Significant pressure drop indicates that the filter cartridge should be changed. If there is no way to check the pressure, change the filter on a regular schedule. |
While not an exhaustive list, regular performance of these air dryer preventive maintenance recommendations will ensure that your compressed air dryer is in optimal working order, which will protect the air compression system and attached equipment from damage, assuring that the entire pneumatic system is operating efficiently and effectively. For assistance with air dryer service, please contact JHFOSTER, a Tavoron company.