Inspiration for the Future of Robotics

JHFOSTER helps prepare the next generation for a future of innovation and robotics.

JHFOSTER enjoys taking part in robotic events that inspire the next generation of robotic experts and STEM related careers. That’s why each year, JHFOSTER attends multiple events both supporting children with their projects and showcasing new automation and robotic technology.

VEX Robotics Competition

Recently, JHFOSTER proudly sponsored the VEX Robotics Competition. The competition occurred at the Rivers Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, MN on February 1st & 2nd. Middle and high school students worked together in teams to create, program and compete with a robot.

Image of graphic displaying the VEX Robotics Competition.

The Robotics Competition presents the VEX Robotics Competition each year. It is the largest middle school/high school robotics program globally with more than 20,000 teams from 50 countries playing worldwide. Each year, an exciting engineering challenge is presented in the form of a game. Even more, students, with guidance from their teachers and mentors, build innovative robots and compete year-round.

In addition to learning valuable engineering skills, students gain life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. The VEX Robotics Competition prepares students to become future innovators. 95% of participants report an increased interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subject areas and pursuing STEM-related careers.

The Works Musuem’s Robot Day

Also, each April, JHFOSTER participates in The Works Museum’s Robot Day competition in Bloomington, MN. This year, Robot Day took place on April 13th and was a day of fun for kids and families. Kids interacted with robots of all shapes and sizes. In addition, they met the engineers and students who built and programmed the robots. Also, kids viewed robotic displays and demos, as well as, participated in games for kids of all ages to participate in. We are excited to have participated in the inspiration of the next generation of innovators.

JHFOSTER’s Clark Oster, Matt Mensen and Chris Ritt were on hand showing off the “candy-grabbing” actuator robot. A sensor retracts the machine along with the candy when kids’ hands are geting too close.

Why Robot Day?

Robot Day at the Works Museum inspires students into STEM-related fields. Further, Robot Day creates recognition of the strength and importance of the U.S. robotics industry, as well as, the social and cultural difference that robotics will have on the future. Also, Robot Day teaches kids about how robots are used to teach, do science, and complete tasks with demos.

JHFOSTER and Robotic Automation

JHFOSTER has a large range of robotics to help streamline and automate production. These days, you can now automate nearly anything with robots. Let us engineer your next robotic system. Also, schedule a robotic evaluation and speak to one of our dedicated group of mechanical and electrical engineers. JHFOSTER helps you determine your automation potential and what production lines would be best automated. Ultimately, automation with JHFOSTER could lead you to significant savings and increased overall efficiencies.

About The Works Museum

The Works Museum is a hands-on engineering museum for kids where they can explore how things work. The Works serves over 70,000 children, families and educators annually. They inspire the next generation of innovators and problem-solvers. Learn more about The Works Museum and all the programs and opportunities to interact with technology, robotics, engineering and STEM education partners from the entire Twin Cities area by visiting The Works.

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To learn more about robotic automation and how it might benefit you, as well as the rest of our product line and service offerings, contact us at 800.582.5826 or email us.

For additional information about the VEX program, visit this VEX Minnesota.
