Category: Compressed Air
Why Should You Focus on Your ISO Specs?
Depending on what your industry’s goal is, it’s important to use ISO standards in your facility. We know the world’s largest creator and publisher of international standards as ISO (International Standards Organization). The standard has nine separate parts relating to the quality (or purity) of compressed air. In 1991, ISO created the 8573 compressed air […]
Do You Need A Variable Speed Drive Compressor?
Compressed air is critical to a wide range of functions within manufacturing. Poorly designed and maintained compressed air systems account for significant energy losses and waste every year. You may require a variable speed drive compressor. This makes sense not only in the economic world, but also when considering how to produce compressed air and […]
What Could An Ultrasonic Leak Detection Audit Save You?
Compressed air typically accounts for 10 to 15 percent of a company’s total energy bill. Find out if your compressor is wasting energy with an Ultrasonic Leak Detection Audit. Likely, you don’t think about compressed air very often. It’s always there, working behind the scenes, yet most companies have no idea how much it costs […]
A Packaging Firm Saves Big on Electric Bills through Energy Audit
JHFOSTER Compressed Air Audit Produces Significant Savings in Electric Bill A Midwestern state-of-the-art packaging firm with 70+ years of experience providing corrugated containers searched for ways to improve their plant’s efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Offering solutions to help customers lower their packaging costs, they use compressed air to run their corrugators’ glue unit. They decided […]