What Is The Most Vulnerable Point of a Purification System?

The Most Vulnerable Point of a Purification System is in Condensation. You Need a Condensate Drain if You Want Clean Air.

Where there is compressed air, there is water. The moisture that drops out of airflow is known as condensation. Therefore, condensation threatens your compressed air system and leads to expensive problems. To keep water, dirt, wear particles, and bacteria out of your system, you need a Condensate Drain System. Further, the problems worsen if you have a lubricated reciprocating or oil-flooded rotary screw compressors. (This tends to be just about everyone.) Compressor oil makes its way into the distribution system with the compressed air. As a result, the mixture of oil, water, and dirt tends to create a sludge that will ultimately jam or clog production equipment. In addition, this sludge harms air tools and drains.

How big of a problem can this be? Well, this changes depending on the climate conditions at the compressor intake. The amount of condensation generated alters according to changing temperatures and the general humidity of the inlet air. For example, it would not be unusual for a 25 hp air compressor to take in between 8 and 24 gallons of water a day during the summer.

Do I Really Need a Condensate Drain?

For that reason, to supply clean, dry compressed air to your tools, equipment, and system processes you must place importance in condensate drain system management. Condensate drains remove the moisture from the air system safely and at a low expense. In short, the typical compressed air system needs condensation removed at strategic locations. There are drains installed at the after cooler separator, receiver tank, air dryer, in-line filters and at drain points in the piping system. The diagram reflects a basic compressed air system with the amount of condensate removed at key points of the after cooler separator and a refrigerated air dryer.

Condensate drain systems should be considered based on reliability and energy efficiency, not on initial cost. Also, keep in mind, the most vulnerable point in a purification system is the condensate drain system. When installing condensate drains, zero air-loss automatic drains with large drain ports should be utilized. They are full pressure drains, which do not consume compressed air and tend to be very reliable.

Key Benefits of Zero Air-Loss Condensate Drains

  • Saves energy (no air consumption)
  • Very resistant to clogging
  • Removes risk of condensate carry-over
  • Automatically adjusts to condensate levels
  • Long service intervals with safe, easy maintenance

JHFOSTER offers the following three “time proven” drains to handle all your system requirements. Zero air loss drains often qualify for energy efficiency rebates so please inquire with your local power provider.

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For more information on our condensate drains, please contact Compressor Parts at 888.681.5739 or email our experts.
