Category: Uncategorized

Improve Efficiency with a Variable Speed Compressor

As manufacturers grapple with maximizing productivity while also cutting costs, increasing energy efficiency to reduce the electric bill is a growing trend. For industrial applications that have a fluctuating demand for compressed air, upgrading to a variable speed air compressor may be an effective way to improve air compressor efficiency and reduce the facility’s power […]

Automation Supports Cleanroom Environments

Maintaining a contamination-free cleanroom environment is crucial for electronic manufacturers and in life sciences manufacturing, among other industries, as it assures that sensitive products are produced under the purest conditions. The use of automation and robotics in these environments ensures that the cleanroom provides the necessary sanitary surroundings, while also enhancing process efficiency and product […]

The Role Actuators Play in Keeping Robots in Motion

Robotic actuators are an important component in any industrial robotic system as they convert energy into smooth and accurate robotic performance, essentially serving as the muscle behind a robot’s movements. The blog will explore the various types of actuators in robotics, the importance of robotic actuators in industrial applications, the benefits of using robot actuators […]

TM30S: Breaking Barriers in Collaborative Robots

As the use of cobots in manufacturing continues to grow, advances in robotics are giving rise to new technologies, such as Techman Robot’s TM30S, an new collaborative robot that excels in high-volume industrial tasks. This blog will explore the advantages of using robotics in manufacturing and discuss the features of the TM30S so you can […]

Is an Oil-Sealed or Dry Rotary Vane Pump Right for My Application?

Rotary vane vacuum pumps, offer reliable solutions for a broad range of food, packaging, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industrial applications. Further, because they are available as oil-lubricated and dry rotary vane pumps, these robust vacuum pump options may serve in both general and sensitive pump applications. This blog will explore the differences between oil-sealed and […]

Refrigerated Air Dryers Lower Compressed Air Dew Point

Air Compressor

Widely used throughout manufacturing and other industries, air compressors generate significant amounts of water vapor during their operation. When water vapor goes unchecked, it can create moisture that wreaks havoc within the compressed air system, damage the tools and equipment the compressed air powers and compromise finished product quality. To avoid these potential problems, it […]

Industrial Power Systems Best Practices for Automation

Electrical Panal Automation

As manufacturing companies continue to add robotics and automation systems throughout their facilities, having a reliable industrial power system is becoming more and more critical to the success of electrical automation projects. This blog will discuss the importance of power quality for industrial automation and provide best practices for efficient and effective factory power systems.  […]

Automation Promotes Minimization of Waste and Energy Optimization

Automation technologies are often installed to increase efficiency, improve product quality and offset labor shortages, but there is another compelling reason to adopt industrial automation: It promotes minimization of waste and energy optimization. Although the industrial environment has never been considered “green” due to its high carbon footprint (some statistics say that industry accounts for […]

Legacy System Modernization with SCADA Integration


Many manufacturers rely heavily on their legacy systems, which are often customized to match the needs of the business, but as industrial technology continues to advance, many old-school legacy systems are becoming obsolete. However, legacy system modernization with SCADA integration can help manufacturers remain efficient, agile and viable in today’s competitive business climate. Why Legacy […]

How to Successfully Design Automation for Injection Molding

As the demand for efficient and cost-effective production of plastic parts and products continues to expand, injection molding offers a great solution as it provides a fast, cost-effective and repeatable manufacturing process for mass produced parts and products. And, injection molding automation, when properly designed, can provide even higher levels of process efficiency and product […]